The Bubble Type Collection Details

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Thanks for viewing The Bubble Type Collection! Below you’ll find a detailed list of files which are included with each product. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions via our Contact Page.


Bages 3D - Craft Supply Co.

  • Regular, Outline, Extrude Right, Extrude Left - (.otf, .ttf)

Bubbba - Drawwwn

  • Regular - (.otf, .ttf)

Bulbis - Zarma Type

  • Filled, Outline, AntiCounter - (.otf, .ttf)

Cocana - Craft Supply Co.

  • Regular, Italic - (.otf, .ttf)

Curious World - Sarid Ezra

  • Regular, Outline - (.otf)

Dirty Clouds - Sarid Ezra

  • Regular - (.otf, .ttf)

Eartune - Casloop Studio

  • Regular - (.otf, .ttf, .woff)

Graphy - Dharmas Studio

  • Filled, Outline, AntiCounter - (.otf)

Gummies - HeyFonts

  • Regular - (.otf, .ttf, .woff)

Khews - Invasi Studio

  • Regular, Outline - (.otf, .ttf, .woff)

Knerd - Any-Type Foundry

  • Fill, Outline - (.otf, .ttf)

Kybul - Invasi Studio

  • Regular - (.otf, .ttf, .woff)

Looks Happy - Second Son Radiance

  • Fill, Outline, Extrude - (.otf, .ttf)

Milky Road - Viaction Type Co.

  • Regular, Oblique - (.otf, .ttf)

Morning Person - Bale Type

  • Regular - (.otf, .ttf)

Orvil - That That Creative

  • Regular - (.otf, .ttf, .woff)

Pomelo - Saint Ricchi

  • Regular, Comic, Outline, Cominc Outline - (.otf, .ttf, .woff)

Real Cool 3D - KA Design

  • PNG Letters

Smothy - Hansco

  • Regular, Clean, Shadow - (.otf, .ttf, .woff)

Stomp - Fortunes Co.

  • Regular - (.otf, .ttf)

Sulcats - Bentype

  • Regular, Filled - (.otf, .ttf)
  • Postress - Regular - (.otf, .ttf)

Teenage Decay - Teenage Foundry

  • Regular, Outline, Extrude - (.otf, .ttf, .woff)

Teenage Snaggy - Teenage Foundry

  • Regular - (.otf, .ttf, .woff)

The Days - KA Design

  • Regular - (.otf, .ttf, SVG)
  • PNG Letters

Whoopie Sunday - Ikiiko

  • Regular, Stylist - (.otf, .ttf)