The Custom Type Collection Details
Thanks for viewing The Custom Type Collection! Below you’ll find a detailed list of files which are included with each product. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions via our Contact Page.
Agne - Zea Fonts
- Agne - (.otf, .ttf)
Allogist - Dora Type Foundry
- Light, Regular, Italic - (.otf, .ttf)
Avole - Alcode
- Avole - (.otf, .ttf)
Benoa - Creativemedialab
- Thin, Light, Regular, Medium, Bold, Black - (.otf, .ttf)
Brams - Ergibi Studio
- Brams - (.otf, .ttf)
Brand - Sensatype
- Brand - (.otf, .ttf, .woff)
Bropella - Martype
- Bropella - (.otf, .ttf)
Bruney - Sensatype
- Bruney - (.otf, .ttf, .woff)
Cameron - Kandella’s Art
- Cameron - (.otf, .ttf, .woff)
Carl Brown - Muntab Art
- Carl Brown - (.otf, .ttf,)
Faberge - Larin Type Co.
- Faberge - (.otf, .ttf, .webfonts)
Glift - Senzana
- Glift - (.otf)
Greyst - Creativemedialab
- Greyst - (.otf, .ttf)
Kolligio - Khaiuns
- Kolligio - (.otf, .ttf, .woff)
Le Mores Collection - Great Studio
- Script, Serif - (.otf, .ttf, webfonts)
Mirande - Vultype Co.
- Regular, Bold - (.otf, .ttf)
Mollie Glaston - Great Studio
- Mollie Glaston - (.otf, Webfonts)
Musque - Studio Aurora
- Musque - (.otf, .woff)
Nightfall - Studio Aurora
- Nightfall - (.otf, .ttf, .woff)
- Bonus Logos Templates - (.ai, .eps)
North Worssley - Typetemp Studio
- North Worssley - (.otf, .ttf, .woff)
Respace - Dora Type Foundry
- Regular, Bold + Italics - (.otf, .ttfs)
RF Ceqabro - Unfutur Labs
- RF Ceqabro, Bignode - (.otf, .ttf)
- Bonus Instagram Templates
Rhapsody - Muntab Art
- Rhapsody - (.otf, .ttf)
Rotterburg - Typetemp Studio
- Rotterburg - (.otf, .ttf, webfonts)
Sebian - Kulokale
- Regular, Italic - (.otf, .ttf)
Stone Orgonite - Senzana
- Regular, Italic, Rough - (.otf, .ttf, webfonts)
The Kaluge - Alcode
- The Kaluge - (.otf, .ttf)
- Women Abstract Illustrations - (.png, .psd)
Vigran Maroll - Ergibi Studio
- Vigran Maroll - (.otf, .ttf)
Windslow - LABFcreations
- Windslow - (.otf, .ttf, webfonts)