The Vintage Type Collection Details

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Thanks for viewing The Vintage Type Collection! Below you’ll find a detailed list of files which are included with each product. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions via our Contact Page.


Arnel - Craft Supply Co

  • Regular, Rough, Stamp, Drawn - (.otf, .ttf)

Clamiroe - Holis Majid

  • Regular, Texture - (.otf, .ttf, .woff)

Corten - Larin Type Co.

  • 10 Styles - (.otf, .ttf, .woff)

ED Fairville - Emyself Design

  • ED Fairville - (.otf, .ttf)

ED Pinehouse - Emyself Design

  • Regular, Outline, Shadow - (.otf, .ttf)

Fortune Vintage - Gleb Guralnyk

  • Base, Contour, Decor, Regular - (.otf, .ttf, .woff)
  • Vector Template - (.ai, .eps)

Galdien Vintage - Craft Supply Co.

  • Regular, Rough, Stamp, Drawn - (.otf, .ttf)

Godger Vintage - Craft Supply Co.

  • Regular, Rough, Stamp, Drawn - (.otf, .ttf)

Hickery - Letterhend Studio

  • Hickery - (.otf, .ttf, .woff)

Hintdake - Edignwn Studio

  • 8 Styles - (.otf, .ttf)

IC Kindwall - IronBird Creative

  • Regular, Stamped - (.otf, .ttf)

Kalcery Union - Invasi Studio

  • Kalcery Union - (.otf, .ttf, .woff)

Leather Necks - Dharmas Studio

  • Regular, Aged, Sans Aged, Sans Regular - (.otf, .ttf, .woff)

Levo Dope - Sitintahitam

  • 10 Styles - (.otf, .ttf, .woff)
  • Levo Dope Illustrations & Premade Logos - (.ai, .eps)

Lewiston - Liszar Inzani

  • 16 Styles - (.otf)

Maggie’s Luck - Gleb Guralnyk

  • Regular, Base, Inside, Outside, Lines - (.otf, .ttf, .woff)
  • Casino Poster & Label Template - (.ai & .eps)

Malosala - Illousa Studio

  • Regular, Grunge Texture - (.otf, .ttf)

Maskule - Invasi Studio

  • Regular, Italic - (.otf, .ttf, .woff)

Michigan - Letterhend Studio

  • Regular, Bold Script, Sans 1, 2 & 3 - (.otf, .ttf, .woff)

Midnight Cruise - Letterhend Studio

  • Regular, Extrude - (.otf, .ttf, .woff)

MN Revolta - Mantra Naga Studio

  • Regular, Outline, Stamp, Oblique, Oblique Stamp, Dingbats - (.otf, .ttf, .woff)
  • Bonus Illustrations - (.ai, .eps, .svg)

Pronter - Larin Type Co.

  • 10 Styles - (.otf, .ttf, .woff)

Redmayne Organic - Rillatype

  • Inked, Stamp, Edge - (.otf, .ttf)

South Canyon - Rillatype

  • Regular, Stamp - (.otf, .ttf)
  • Illustration Bonus - (.ai)

Timeless Radiance - Letterhend Studio

  • Script, Serif - (.otf, .ttf, .woff)

Vintage Browner - Arterfak Studio

  • Regular - (.otf, .ttf, .woff)

Wildrose - Graphicfresh

  • Regular, Stamp - (.otf, .ttf, .woff)

Wistar Typewriter - Ana’s Fonts

  • 14 Styles - (.otf)
  • Graphics & Textures - (.png)