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Druined- Experimental Display Typeface - Pixel Surplus
Druined- Experimental Display Typeface - Pixel Surplus
Druined- Experimental Display Typeface - Pixel Surplus
Druined- Experimental Display Typeface - Pixel Surplus
Druined- Experimental Display Typeface - Pixel Surplus
Druined- Experimental Display Typeface - Pixel Surplus
Druined- Experimental Display Typeface - Pixel Surplus
Druined- Experimental Display Typeface - Pixel Surplus
Lorenzo Martinez

Druined- Experimental Display Typeface

Regular price $11.00

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"Druined" by Lorenzo Martinez is an experimental display typeface based on my character entries on an annual instagram challenge called “36 days of type”. These characters are from my 2023 entries This typeface is made with the intention to be used mostly on bold designs whenever you need to catch the attention of the viewers in your shirts, posters album etc.