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The Victor - Handcrafted Typeface - Pixel Surplus
The Victor - Handcrafted Typeface - Pixel Surplus
The Victor - Handcrafted Typeface - Pixel Surplus
The Victor - Handcrafted Typeface - Pixel Surplus
The Victor - Handcrafted Typeface - Pixel Surplus
1871 Project

The Victor - Handcrafted Typeface

Regular price $15.00

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Introducing Victor, a multilingual hand-crafted typeface from 1871 Project. Inspired by vintage signs and labels, its perfect for your next project. It features 26 different alternate letters you can use just by holding "shift" or "caps-lock." We even threw in a few different lockup ligatures giving your design that hand-drawn feel. This font was designed with you in mind, we know how difficult it can be to give your designs a completely unique/handmade feel.

Its perfect for logotypes, t-shirts, gig posters, etc.